We are driven by a clear mission: to propel your business to the forefront of the digital stage thanks to a full range of online marketing services. Website creation, website redesign, SEO optimization, Keyword Strategy, Technical audit of the site, Backlinks, Adwords...
After a technical and SEO audit of your current website or a study of your needs for a new website, we will offer you a strategy and a budget in order to create a site that suits you and will attract your customers. Our in-depth knowledge of SEO will allow us to integrate a keyword strategy into the creation of the site.
Our agency operates throughout France. Our meetings are held exclusively by video conference.
Création de site web à Chalon-sur-Saône
Adwords: EscaladE is your partner
Other services from our digital marketing agency
Google Adwords
Notre agence Google Ads à Chalon-sur-Saône prendra en charge vos campagne adwords : choix des mots-clés, optimisation des enchères, réalisation des campagnes et annonces, avec deux reportings mensuels. Et toujours notre philosophie : bien vous conseiller pour obtenir le meilleur retour sur investissement. Rapidement.
The different types of websites
Notre agence SEO à Chalon-sur-Saône vous permettra d'atteindre les premières places sur Google. Après un audit complet de votre site internet, nous nous occuperons de le corriger afin de le rendre performant aux yeux de Google. Après la définition d'une stratégie de mots-clés, nous optimiserons chaque page du site afin de vous faire apparaître dans les premiers résultats. Voir nos tarifs agence SEO.
The showcase site
Among the different types of websites, the showcase site is often the first step for a company or organization wishing to establish its online presence. This type of institutional site is generally not intended to sell products or services directly but rather through direct sales. present the company, its activities and values. A good showcase site must be:
Responsive: adaptive on all media (computer, tablet, smartphone)
Secure: guaranteeing the protection of users' personal data
Multilingual: reaching a wider audience
Well organized; with careful UX design for easier navigation
Another major alternative in the creation of websites is the e-commerce site, also called e-commerce site. "merchant site". This is an evolution of the traditional blog where user can purchase directly from the comfort of their home. Unlike the simple informative role of the showcase site, the main goal of the e-commerce site is to generate sales and it therefore requires a different approach in terms of functionality and design UX. Just like the first type mentioned; previously this must also be responsive but above all secure. taking into account the financial transactions it involves. Our digital marketing agency is located at at your disposal to study your online business need.
The e-commerce site
Website redesign
We can help you with this. improve the performance of your website: design, error correction, speed, redirections... each time, improvements in your natural referencing

After studying your needs, we will present you with 3 models in order to determine the design that suits you best.
Of course, after having determined an SEO strategy, all our pages will be optimized in order to place you at the top of Google as quickly as possible.
Regional economy</span
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, located in eastern France, is a region rich in history and in culture, but also dynamic on the economic level. Known for its wine heritage, it is also a major player in several industrial sectors. The agri-food sector occupies a prominent place there, benefiting from a worldwide reputation for its wines and cheeses. Furthermore, the region is an important hub for the automobile industry, with the presence of large companies such as Peugeot-Citroën. In addition, it stands out for its commitment to renewable energies and sustainable development, particularly in the field of wind and solar power.
Main Cities</span
Capital of the region, Dijon is a historical and cultural center. It is also an important economic hub, particularly in the fields of finance, commerce, and the agri-food industry. The city is known for its university. and its research centers, which contribute to its economic dynamism and his academic reputation.
Besançon, known for its rich historical heritage, is also an important center of the watch industry and microtechnology. It is home to several high-tech companies, renowned research centers, and plays a key role in the global economy. in the field of innovation and scientific research.
The Digital Economy ric
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté also stands out for its dynamism in the digital sector. The region has put in place initiatives to support innovation and the development of digital technologies, particularly in through poles of competitiveness and incubators. The cities of Dijon and Besançon are at the heart of this digital transformation, with a particular emphasis on information technologies, cyber security and security. and green technologies. The region is home to many innovative startups and companies, contributing to the growth of the region. its profile as a technology hub in the making. Consult our pages dedicated to SEO agencies in your area. Dijon or SEO agencies in France Besançon.
Chalon-sur-Saône, entre histoire et créativité
Située en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Chalon-sur-Saône est une ville riche d'histoire et de culture, célèbre pour être le berceau de la photographie grâce à Nicéphore Niépce. Au-delà de son passé prestigieux, Chalon-sur-Saône se distingue par son dynamisme et sa créativité, offrant une vie culturelle animée avec son célèbre Carnaval et le festival Chalon dans la Rue, vitrine de l'art de rue et du spectacle vivant.
Économie et numérique : un tournant moderne
Chalon-sur-Saône investit dans l'avenir avec une économie diversifiée et tournée vers le numérique. La présence d'une agence de création de site internet à Chalon-sur-Saône témoigne de cette orientation moderne. Les entreprises locales bénéficient de l'expertise d'une agence SEO à Chalon-sur-Saône pour optimiser leur visibilité en ligne, tandis qu'une agence SEA à Chalon-sur-Saône leur offre des solutions publicitaires digitales sur mesure, renforçant l'attractivité économique de la ville.
Qualité de vie et innovation : Chalon-sur-Saône aujourd'hui
Choisir de vivre à Chalon-sur-Saône, c'est opter pour une qualité de vie exceptionnelle où l'innovation et la tradition se rencontrent. Les initiatives portées par les acteurs du numérique, comme l'agence de création de site internet, l'agence SEO, et l'agence SEA à Chalon-sur-Saône, enrichissent le tissu économique et culturel de la ville. Avec ses espaces verts, ses quais sur la Saône et son centre historique, Chalon-sur-Saône est une ville où il fait bon vivre, travailler et se divertir.
Chalon-sur-Saône démontre avec brio comment une ville peut embrasser l'ère du numérique tout en préservant et célébrant son riche héritage culturel et historique. Elle est une source d'inspiration pour les villes cherchant à équilibrer patrimoine et innovation, offrant un cadre de vie dynamique et tourné vers l'avenir.
Chalon-sur-Saône : berceau de la photographie et Pôle d'Innovation
The Burgundy-Franche-Comté : a dynamic economic and digital hub
Our mission: to develop the most suitable website for your needs. à your strategy and your image. Features, SEO, e-commerce, design, we will be able to offer you the best solutions. We can also take care of the redesign of your website.
Our approach includes a meticulous analysis of your competition and research for relevant keywords to develop a relevant SEO strategy. create a new website or optimize your existing site, launch an Adwords campaign or improve your natural referencing, we are determined to help you. increase your visibility on Google and agrave; increase your customer base.
Request your freeSEO audit</a and without obligation.
A website that suits you and captures your customers
EscaladE, Agence de création de sites internet à Chalon-sur-Saône

Création site internet Chalon-sur-Saône
EscaladE est une agence de création de site internet à Chalon-sur-Saône : sites vitrines ou sites e-commerce. Après une étude approfondie de vos besoins, nous vous proposerons 3 maquettes intégrant des designs différents. Nous effectuerons aussi un audit SEO et une étude de votre marché, afin de proposer une stratégie de mots clés.
Optimizing your SEO is at the heart of our expertise.